Resolution: Unresolved
4.3.4, 4.4.2
When enrolling a student into a course, you may optionally attempt recovery of any past grades in the course. However, if there are any current grades present, grades recovery will not proceed. If in between un-enrollment and re-enrollment, an instructor rates a forum post made by the student, a grade for the forum is inserted into the gradebook which will in the future prevent recovery of past grades when the student is re-enrolled.
I am not sure of the best way to alternatively handle this. The forum posts of the un-enrolled user still need to be visible in the forum as their removal could disrupt the understanding of surrounding posts and threads. Perhaps one option to consider would be to grey out the rating tools on posts by users not currently enrolled in the course.
1. Create a new course and enroll a user as a student.
2. Create a quiz with a single true/false question.
3. Create a forum. Under Ratings, set Aggregate type to "Average of ratings".
4. Login as the student.
5. Take the quiz, answering the question correctly.
6. Make a post to the forum.
7. As the instructor view the gradebook and confirm that the student has a grade for the quiz.
8. Delete the student's enrollment from the course.
9. As the instructor go to the forum and rate the student's post.
10. Re-enroll the student into the course, ensuring that the "Recover user's old grades if possible" option is selected.
11. Go to the gradebook.
The student has a grade for the forum but not for the quiz.
The student's grade from the quiz is recovered.
An additional potential impact of the failure to recover the past grades is that the student might not be able to access new course content if there are access restrictions on the content passed on activity completion. For example, if the quiz in the example scenario required receiving a grade to be marked complete and access to the next unit is restricted based on completion of the quiz. The student is re-enrolled but not able to access new course materials.