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  1. Moodle
  2. MDL-84002

Open/Close icon on previous assignments is too large

      The open/close icon to reveal details of the previous attempts on an assignment to a student has become larger, looks odd and can overlap the text of the assignment name.

      I'm guessing this was due to a switch to SVG icons. The previous .gif icon would have had a natural size of around 16x16px which would have been used here. Without that natural size, the icon expands to fill the space available.

      Since the icon is applied via CSS as a background image, using  the `background-size` rule to size it at 16x16px appears to work.

      I've attached screenshots showing the current large and a proposed smaller version.

        1. large closed.png
          large closed.png
          47 kB
        2. large open.png
          large open.png
          126 kB
        3. MDL-84002 positioning.png
          MDL-84002 positioning.png
          149 kB
        4. small closed.png
          small closed.png
          47 kB
        5. small open.png
          small open.png
          124 kB

            pholden Paul Holden
            davidscotson david scotson
            Luca Bösch Luca Bösch
            0 Vote for this issue
            9 Start watching this issue


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