When adding linked media to a lesson (Pop-up to file or web page option in the lesson settings), if you place a url in the textbox and run the lesson, it will display a link for you to download the file, giving the url with the domain (.com, .org, etc.) stripped. Clicking on this give a file not found error.
If you choose a file with .htm or .html, the linked media will pop up a box that displays the footer and nothing else.
When I view source, I get the following bit of code that may be relevant (calc.html has been uploaded and is in my file structure):
<div id="content">
<frameset rows="100%"><frame src="http://elearn.metrotech.org//file.php/527/calc.html" /></frameset></div>
<!-- end div content -->
When I view source, I get the following bit of code that may be relevant (http://www.google.com has been entered in the textbox):
<div id="content">
<div class="lessonmediafilecontrol"><p><div class="notifyproblem" style="text-align:center">Click on the following link to download the file.</div><br />
<a href="http://elearn.metrotech.org/file.php/527/http/www.google.com">www.google</a></p></div></div>
<!-- end div content -->