Functional Test
Moodle 3.2
This test requires a course with a News forum and an assignment with online text selected, and a teacher and student enrolled in the course. You can use the "Activity Examples" course in the QA testing site http://qa.moodle.net/ if desired.
1. Log in to the course as a teacher and access the News forum.
2. Begin to type a post. Type a few words and then stop. Wait for a minute, watching the bottom left corner of your text box.
3. Verify you see the message "Draft saved"
4. Close the screen to exit Moodle completely and then go back in again.
5. Access the News forum and verify the text is there with the message "A draft version of this text was automatically restored"
6. Add more text; post to the forum and verify it has correctly saved.
7. Log in as a student and access the online text type assignment
8. Click the Add submission button and type a few words and then stop.
9. Wait for a minute, watching the bottom left corner of the text box.
10. Verify you see the message "Draft saved"
11. Leave the page, ignoring the warning, and then go back to it again.
12. Access the assignment and verify the text is there with the message "A draft version of this text was automatically restored"
13. Click Save changes to submit your assignment and verify it has correctly saved.
- Testing discovered
MDL-56812 theme_boost: "Draft saved" overlaps with checkbox and hard to read
- Closed