Functional Test
Moodle 3.2
This test requires a course containing students and at least one forum with ratings enabled and a manually created grade item.
- Log in as a teacher, go to the course and click on 'Grades' in the course administration.
- For the forum, click the pencil icon to access single view.
- Check that it is only possible to add grades and feedback if the override checkbox is ticked.
- Click the 'All' link next to Override, and check that all override checkboxes are ticked.
- At the bottom of the page, click the checkbox next to bulk insert, and try bulk inserting 50 for all grades.
- Click the 'Update' button and check that all grades are 50.
- Click the 'Single view' link in the administration block, then choose the manually created grade item to view.
- Check that it is possible to add grades and feedback without the override checkbox being ticked.
- At the bottom of the page, click the checkbox next to bulk insert, and try bulk inserting -1 (i.e. less than the minimum for the grade item) for empty grades.
- Click the 'Update' button and check that the message is displayed 'The grade entered for ... for ... is less than the minimum allowed.' for each student.
- Click the 'Grader report' link in the administration block.
- Check that the overridden grades for the forum are highlighted and that the grade item grades are not highlighted.