Functional Test
Moodle 3.2
- Login as teacher and navigate to course.
- Edit existing assignment (myassign) and in "Tags" section (last section on the page), add one or more tags.
- Press "Save and return to course".
- Go back to "myassign" setting page, and make sure all Tags are available.
- Delete one of the Tags and add a new one.
- Press "Save and return to course".
- Go back to "myassign" setting page, and make sure all Tags are available.
- Backup the "myassign"
- Restore it into a new Course (also a different Moodle system), and make sure the tags are available.
- Go to Site administration ► Appearance ► Manage tags ► Default collection
- Ensure you can see all tags.
- Delete "myassign" assignment and go to Site administration ► Appearance ► Manage tags ► Default collection
- Run cron
- Ensure all tags related to myassign are deleted.
- Test above instructions with a resource "Book"
- Testing discovered
MDL-56847 Tags attached to activities are visible after activity is deleted
- Closed