Functional Test
This test requires a course with an assignment set up and at least 5 students.
- As a teacher, access the assignment and click 'Submissions' in the secondary navigation.
- Select a student; open the menu (ellipsis) in the Status column for the student and grant them an extension, then save changes. Repeat for a second student and save changes.
- On the Submissions page, open the Status filter dropdown in the tertiary navigation area and choose 'Granted extension'.
- Verify your two students are listed as having extensions granted.
- Change the Status filter back to 'All' and verify all students are now displayed.
- On the Submissions page, click the 'Grade' item within the menu in the Grade column for one of the students with an extension granted.
- From their grading annotation screen, click the filter icon top right (under the user selector) to show the list of filters and tick the Granted extension box.
- Verify that the filter works as expected and only finds two students.
- Switch to the other student with an extension and verify again.
- Clear the filter and verify all students are now available.
- has a non-specific relationship to
MDL-57602 Add 'Granted extension' filter to mod_assign grading table
- Closed