Functional Test
Moodle 3.3
- Login as a teacher, turn editing on in a course and add a lesson activity.
- Follow the 'Import questions' link.
- Try uploading a GIFT format file e.g. http://moodle.org/pluginfile.php/134/mod_forum/attachment/236161/GIFT-examples.zip or others copied from http://docs.moodle.org/en/GIFT.
- Preview the lesson activity and check that all the questions are displayed correctly.
- Create an essay question in the question bank, include an image in the question text
- Export it using both Moodle XML and GIFT formats
- Verify that you can import both files in a lesson and the imported essay question can be edited and is working as expected
- NOTE: image export/import for GIFT format is NOT yet support, so importing the essay question from this format will result in a broken image link. This is expected behaviour. See MDL-28375 for work to implement GIFT image exporting/importing.