Functional Test
Moodle 3.3
- Login as admin and browse to Site administration > Plugins > Message outputs > Default message outputs.
- Check that every combination is set to Permitted; that email is the default for everything, online and not online, except for
- Personal messages between users
- Badge creator notifications
- Badge recipient notifications
- Comment posted on a learning plan
- Check for personal messages the defaults should be:
- popup: online and offline.
- email: Offline
- Login as student1, browse to the user menu > Preferences > Notification preferences and check that the defaults are correct.
- Browse to the user menu > Preferences > Message preferences and check that the defaults are correct.
- Login as admin again and change the following default message outputs:
- for Personal messages between users, disallow email, and force popup
- for Subscribed forum posts, change the default when online from email to popup.
- Login again as student1 and check that the forced settings for personal messages have taken effect (user menu > Preferences > Message preferences)
- Check that Subscribed forum posts has remained as email (and not change to online as done in Step 5). (user menu > Preferences > Notification preferences)
- Login as student2, browse to the user menu > Preferences > Message preferences and check that the updated defaults are shown.
- Browse to the user menu > Preferences > Notification preferences and check that the updated defaults are shown.