Functional Test
Moodle 3.3
- Log in as a teacher.
- Navigate to a course.
- Create a Wiki activity.
- In the Wiki settings ensure that the Force format setting is NOT checked.
- Save the settings and display the Wiki.
- Create the first page and add some content to it.
- Save the page.
- In the Settings block, under Wiki administration, click Permissions.
- Locate the permission labelled Manage wiki files (mod/wiki:managefiles).
- Under Roles with permission, add Student.
- Log in as a student and browse to the wiki.
- Edit a page in HTML format and add an image using the add/edit image icon in the test editor.
- Save the page and check that the image display correctly.
- Click the Files tab and upload an image.
- Create a new page in Creole format and insert the image into the page.
- Preview the page then save it, each time checking that the image is displayed correctly.
- Create a new page in Nwiki format and insert the image into the page.
- Save the page and check that the image is displayed correctly.