Functional Test
Moodle 3.3
- As a teacher in a course, add an activity "External tool".
- Type a name and paste this as the URL: http://lti.tools/test/tp.php If that URL does note work, you can try https://online.dr-chuck.com/sakai-api-test/tool.php instead
- Select "Embed" as the "Launch container".
- Save and Display
- Ensure that you see a blue page that says: "Could not establish context: Missing oauth_consumer_key in request" (This is expected)
- Go back into settings for this activity.
- Press "Show more...". Enter "secret" as the 'Shared secret', and "12345" as the 'Consumer key'.
- Save and Display
- You should see blue page embedded in Moodle with a lot of "Context Information:" and "Raw POST Parameters:".
- View grader report and click on activity "External tool"
- You should be redirected to activity view page.