Functional Test
Moodle 3.3
Test Pre-requisites:
- A folder resource.
Test Steps:
- Login as a teacher. Navigate to the folder resource and click 'Edit'. Verify that the File manager form element is displayed onscreen.
- Drag and drop a file onto the file manager, which currently contains the text 'You can drag and drop files here to add them.'
- Check that the filename + progress bar is displayed as expected
- Check the progress bars are hidden and the normal icon/thumbnail is shown once the upload is complete
- Drag 2 more files (at the same time) into the area
- check the filenames + progress bars are both shown
- check the progress bars are hidden and the normal icon/thumbnail is shown once the upload is complete
- Click 'Save changes' and verify that the files have been uploaded.
- Download the file to verify that the file link has been created properly.
- Login as a Student and download the file, then verify that the file is correct.
- Login as Teacher and delete all the files - check the drag & drop message is displayed correctly