Functional Test
Moodle 3.3
- Login as teacher and access a course.
- Turn editing on.
- In the "Settings" block, click on restore.
- Restore the backup http://tracker.moodle.org/secure/attachment/28414/test_book_for_qa_20120522.mbz into the course. Don't modify any setting, just use default ones.
- Test: One book resource, with title "Test Book for QA".
- Access to the restored book.
- Test: It shows 4 chapters (1, 2, 3 & 4) and 2 subchapters (3A & 3B).
- In the "Settings block", click the "Print book" item.
- Test: One new window is opened.
- Test: The window contains the title of the book and its introduction displayed properly.
- Test: The window contains the Site, Course, Book, Printed by and Date informations.
- Test: The window contains one Table of contents, linking to each Chapter in the page.
- Test: The window contains all the chapters, with their titles and contents displayed properly.
- In the "Settings block", click the "Print this chapter" item.
- Test: One new window is opened.
- Test: The window contains the current chapter, with its title and content displayed properly.