Functional Test
Moodle 3.3
Test Pre-requisites:
- assignments created should be of the new assignment module type
- maximum grading values should be a numeric value greater than 0
- testing should be performed as a teacher user and a non-editing teacher
- an existing assignment set to use a marking guide with feedback enabled, and the marking guide hasn't been created yet
Test Steps:
- Start marking the student's submission
- Check that you are presented with the simple grading interface
- Define a marking guide for the assignment and Save as draft
- Do not save the marking and feedback
- Start marking the student's submission
- Check that you are presented with the simple grading interface
- Save the marking and feedback
- Set the marking guide to ready
- Re-mark the student's submission
- Check that the marking guide interface is shown
- Check that the feedback comment is shown
- Check that the details for the criteria are empty