Functional Test
Moodle 3.3
This test requires a course with 3 students enrolled and an assignment set up where online text, file submissions and feedback files have been set to "No" and feedback comments and offline grading worksheet have been set to "yes". All 3 students must be given a grade and feedback.
1. As a teacher, click on the assignment and navigate to "View all submissions"
2.From the dropdown box, choose "Download grading worksheet" and save the file.
3. Navigate back to the assignment grading screen and change one student's grade and feedback comment.
4.Open the downloaded file in a program such as Excel and add a different grade and feedback comment for that same student. Save as a csv file.
5. Navigate back to the assignment grading screen and click on "Upload grading worksheet"
6. Leave untouched the box "Allow updating records that have been modified more recently etc.."
7. Verify that the screen "Confirm changes in grading worksheet" displays "no modified grades were found". Cancel the action.
8. Upload the worksheet again, this time ticking the box "Allow updating records that have been modified more recently etc"
9.Verify that the screen "Confirm changes" displays the grade and feedback from the csv file ready to update on Moodle. Click Confirm.
10. Verify that in Moodle's gradebook the student's grade and feedback you changed in #3 have been altered to what you added to the csv file.