Functional Test
Moodle 3.3
Note(1) This test requires an account set up on openbadges.org and for the user to have obtained at least one badge (eg http://www.openbadges.org/earn/) and for this badge to be added to a collection and made public (http://backpack.openbadges.org/) (This should only take a matter of minutes.)
Note (2) This test will not work on a localhost Moodle; it must be online to connect to openbadges.org.
- As admin verify that badges are enabled in Administration>Site administration>Advanced features.
- Under user menu (at the upper right), select 'My preferences'
- Click on "Backpack settings" under Badges
- Click on 'Sign in with your Email.'
- Add the email address used with openbadges.org and save the changes.
- Select the badge collection you wish to display
- Verify that in "My badges from other websites" you now see your badge from openbadges.org