Functional Test
Moodle 3.3
This test requires a course with three teachers and three students enrolled, eg Teacher 1, 2 3 and Student 1, 2, 3.
1) Log in as Teacher 1 and create a simple text assignment.
2) In the assignment settings, scroll down to Grade and set 'Use marking workflow' to 'Yes' and 'Use marking allocation' to 'Yes'.
3) Click Save and display and then "View all submissions".
4) Next to Student 2, click in the Grade column and from the Allocated marker dropdown choose Teacher 2. Save and show next to access Student 3.
5) From the Allocated marker dropdown choose Teacher 3. Save.
6) Verify in the Marker column next to Student 1 there is no name.
7) Verify in the Marker column next to Student 2 the name Teacher 2 appears.
8) Verify in the Marker column next to Student 3 the name Teacher 3 appears.