Functional Test
Moodle 3.3
1.Log in to a course as a teacher and create a database activity.
2.Add two fields
3.Save the templates.
4.Add three entries.
5.On the list view, verify you see checkboxes next to the entries.
6.Test the "select all" and "deselect all" buttons to make sure that they work as expected.
7.Click into two of the three boxes
8.At the bottom of the list should be a button saying "Delete selected"
9.After clicking the "Delete selected" button you should be taken to a confirmation page.
10.Click cancel and make sure that you are taken back to the list view.
11.Try again but this time confirm the delete and ensure that the entry has been deleted.
12.Log in as a student and view the list view page. Make sure that as a student there are no check boxes or buttons to delete the entries.