Functional Test
Moodle 3.3
This test requires administrator access.
1. Log in as admin and navigate to Site administration>Appearance>Themes>Theme selector.
2. Click the 'Change theme' button; scroll down to MORE and click 'Use theme'
3. Click 'Continue' and then from Site administration>Appearance>Theme,click 'More'.
4. Change the text and link colours.
5. In Background image, click background.jpg. Download it and then delete it from the file area. Upload either your own background.jpg or use the one attached to this test.
6. In Logo, upload your own logo with maximum height 75 px or use the logo attached to this test
7. In the footnote, type 'This is a test'
8. Save the changes
9. Navigate around the site ensuring your customisations are working as expected.
10. Return to Appearance>Themes>More; reset the colours to default and remove the footnote text.
11. Replace the customised background with the background.jpg you downloaded and remove your logo.
12. Verify that the More theme is back to it was in step 3.