Functional Test
Moodle 3.3
This test requires a course with a teacher and student enrolled.
1) As a teacher, make a 'Standard forum for general use' called 'Moveable Feasts'.
2) Add three discussion topics in this order: Easter, Passover and Ramadan.
3) Click into the Easter discussion and verify you can see the link to the Passover discussion, and that clicking it takes you to that discussion.
4) From the Passover discussion, verify you can see links top right and left to the Easter and Ramadan discussions.
5) Verify that clicking the link to the Ramadan discusssion takes you to that discussion.
6) From the Ramadan discussion verify you can see the link to the Passover discussion, and that clicking it takes you to that discussion.
7) Repeat steps 3-6 as a student.
8) As a teacher, make a 'Standard forum displayed in blog like format' called 'Moveable Feasts'.
9) Repeat steps 3- 7, ensuring the move from one discussion to another works correctly
10) As a teacher, make an 'Each person posts one discussion' forum called 'Devices' and add one discussion topic called Tablets.
11) As a student add a discussion topic called Smartphones.
12) Access the Tablets discussion and verify you see the link to the smartphones discussion and that clicking it takes you to that discussion.
13) As the teacher, access the Smartphones discussion. Verify you see the link to the Tablets discussion, and that clicking it takes you to that discussion.