Functional Test
Moodle 3.3
- Log in as the Manager.
- Go to "My grades" through the user menu (On English sites this is located in the top right hand corner)..
- The Manager should not be enrolled in any courses. Check that you see the following message: You are not enrolled in, nor teaching any courses on this site.
- Log in as a student.
- Go to 'My grades' through the user menu.
- You should see:
- The student's picture (if set), and name in the header (above the navigation breadcrumb).
- A sub header titled "Courses I am taking"
- A list of courses that the student is enrolled in.
- Grades for the course or dashes representing no current grade.
- Click on one of the courses in the report.
- Check the following:
- That the header for the page is still the same (user picture and name).
- That the breadcrumb is either "Dashboard ► My grades ►
{course name} ► User report" or "Home ► Dashboard ► My grades ► {course name}
► User report".
- That you are now viewing specific grade detail about the course.
- Enter a course (Click on dashboard and then select a course).
- Check that there is a link in the administration block to Grades. Click that link.
- Check the following:
- That the administration block contains two reports. These reports should be Overview report and User report.
- User report has the header as [Course title] : View : User report. ("Course title" is the course you are viewing)
- Overview report has the header as [Course title] : View : Overview report. ("Course title" is the course you are viewing)