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  1. Moodle QA
  2. MDLQA-10403 Moodle 3.3 QA
  3. MDLQA-10934

CLONE - Create, Delete and Edit user tours


    • Icon: Functional Test Functional Test
    • Icon: Major Major
    • Moodle 3.3
    • Moodle 3.3
    • User Tours
    • None

      1. Navigate to Site administration -> Appearance -> User Tours
      2. Create a new tour
      3. Apply it to /course/view.php%
      4. Create some steps - some visible, some for items not on the page and a mixture of blocks, CSS selectors, and Display in middle of page
      5. View a course page
        1. Confirm the tour works as expected
      6. Click the End Tour link
        1. Confirm that the Tour disappears
      7. Click the reset tour link in the footer
        1. Confirm that the tour restarts
      8. Refresh the page
        1. Confirm that the tour appears again
      9. Do not click the "End tour" button...
      10. View another page
        1. Confirm the tour doesn't display there
        2. Confirm that there is no "Reset user tour on this page" link for the tour in the footer
      11. Go back to the course view page
        1. Confirm that the tour appears again
      12. Click the End tour link
        1. Confirm that the Tour disappears
      13. Refresh the page
        1. Confirm that the tour does not appear again
      14. Navigate to Site administration -> Appearance -> User Tours
      15. Click on the name of the tour
      16. Select the "Force the tour to be displayed" link in the top section
      17. Go back to the course view page
        1. Confirm that the tour appears again
      18. Navigate to Site administration -> Appearance -> User Tours
      19. Edit tour name and Description
      20. Try delete the tour and you should not see get any error.

            alrachels AL Rachels
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