Functional Test
Moodle 3.3
- Navigate to Site administration -> Appearance -> User Tours
- Create a new tour
- Apply it to /course/view.php%
- Create some steps - some visible, some for items not on the page and a mixture of blocks, CSS selectors, and Display in middle of page
- View a course page
- Confirm the tour works as expected
- Click the End Tour link
- Confirm that the Tour disappears
- Click the reset tour link in the footer
- Confirm that the tour restarts
- Refresh the page
- Confirm that the tour appears again
- Do not click the "End tour" button...
- View another page
- Confirm the tour doesn't display there
- Confirm that there is no "Reset user tour on this page" link for the tour in the footer
- Go back to the course view page
- Confirm that the tour appears again
- Click the End tour link
- Confirm that the Tour disappears
- Refresh the page
- Confirm that the tour does not appear again
- Navigate to Site administration -> Appearance -> User Tours
- Click on the name of the tour
- Select the "Force the tour to be displayed" link in the top section
- Go back to the course view page
- Confirm that the tour appears again
- Navigate to Site administration -> Appearance -> User Tours
- Edit tour name and Description
- Try delete the tour and you should not see get any error.