Functional Test
Moodle QA non-runners
- unoconv installed and working
- ghostscript installed and working
- A range of documents (.doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .html) including some with several files, images, etc.
Admin UI tests
- Install the fileconverter_example test plugin
- Install the fileconverter_drive test plugin
- Navigate to https://console.developers.google.com/apis
- create a new project
- enable the Drive API
- configure the consent screen
- obtain an oauth key using the "Other" option
- Download the key and place it in files/converter/drive/client_secret.json
- In CLI run php files/converter/drive/login.php and follow directions
- Navigate to the Document converters section of the Site administration -> Plugins
- Use the up/down enable/disable links
- Confirm that the admin UI behaves as expected
Edit PDF tests
- Set up an editpdf assignment
- Upload PDFs for a couple of users
- View the grading interface and confirm that:
- PDFs are generated correctly
- All pages can be navigated through
- Annotations can be stored, saved, and fetched
- View a user who has not uploaded anything yet
- Confirm that an empty image is shown
- Upload a PDF for that user but do not view it in the UI
- Run the CLI task for submission conversion:
php admin/tool/task/cli/schedule_task.php --execute="\assignfeedback_editpdf\task\convert_submissions"
- Confirm that no errors were shown
- View it in the grading interface
- Confirm that it was shown pretty quickly
- Upload a large document
- Open grading interface and open the Network tab in your developer tools
- Navigate to the user's PDF and wait for the images to be generated
- Examine each network call that was made and check how the polling proceeded
- Confirm that there were no errors
- Create a new assignment and enable text input instead of file upload
- Enter some text for various users
- Confirm that the PDFs can be generated correctly for the uploaded text
- For both assignments, enter grades and release the assignments
- As each user, view the PDF complete with annotations.