Functional Test
Moodle 3.4
Keys used in this test include : Tab, Space, Enter, Left Arrow (LA), Right Arrow (RA).
1. Login as a student and tab through till the navigation block (add block in boost theme, if not available). Check that you can tab through every single branch node and leaf node.
2. Check that every non-link branch node toggle expansion on keys[Enter,Space] and check [RA] only expands and [LA] only collapses the branch.
3. Check that every link node toggles expansion on a [space] keypress but follows the link upon an [enter] keypress and check [RA] only expands and [LA] only collapses the branch.
4. Collapse the navigation blocks into the dock.
5. Check that you can tab through the dock items.
6. Tab to the 'remove all' button at the end of the dock. Check that Enter removes all blocks into the page and removes the dock.
7. Repeat step 5.
8. Tab to a docked block.
9. Check that docked blocks can be viewed with [RA], a long single [RA] keypress shouldn't affect viewing.
10. Tab the the close panel icon in the block being viewed. Check that [Enter] hides the block into the dock again.
12. Check toggling viewing a docked block with [enter,space] keys.
13. Check collapsing the block with [LA], a long single [LA] keypress shouldn't affect docked state.