Functional Test
Moodle 3.4
This test requires an administrator, teacher and student account.
1. Log in to a course as a teacher and create an assignment with both file submissions and text submission enabled in 'Submission types'
2. Log in as a student and upload a file and enter some text and save.
3. As the teacher, click the assignment and click 'View all submissions'
4. Click the Edit column for the student in question and verify you do NOT see an option to 'Edit submission'.
5. Log in as administrator and from Users>Permissions>Define roles, edit the teacher role to allow mod/assign:editothersubmission'
6. Log back in as the teacher and repeat step 3.
7. Click the edit column and verify you do see the option to 'Edit submission'
8. Click this option.
9. Remove the submitted file and add some text to the online text (simulating a Teacher comment) and verify you can save and that the file is removed from the submission.
- Testing discovered
MDL-37237 mod_assign delete submission
- Closed