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  1. Moodle QA
  2. MDLQA-10999 Moodle 3.4 QA testing
  3. MDLQA-11447

CLONE - Users can navigate and use the preferences page


    • Icon: Functional Test Functional Test
    • Icon: Blocker Blocker
    • Moodle 3.4
    • Moodle 3.4
    • Navigation
    • None

      This test requires admin access to a Moodle site. If you wish to test using the QA testing site, please see the QA testing guide for details of how to request admin access.

      1. Log in as the admin and click "My preferences" in the user menu (On English sites this is located in the top right hand corner).
      2. Click each one of the links on the page and check:
        • that the navigation breadcrumb starts with 'Home ► Dashboard ► Preferences' or 'Dashboard ► Preferences'. The setting for changing the default home page is located at [Site administration  ► Appearance  ► Navigation] in the Administration menu.
        • That the header of each of these pages has the administrators picture (if set), and name. The header is located above the navigation breadcrumb.
      3. Check that the page works well on smaller screens.
        1. Minimize the web browser with width 640, 768, 1024 and any other higher than 1024 like 1200
        2. Check that all of the preferences are in one column.
      4. Go to a course and click on 'Participants' in the navigation menu then click on a student name.
      5. Under 'Administration' click on 'Preferences'.
      6. Click each one of the links on the page and check:
        • That the navigation breadcrumb starts with 'Home ► Users ► {user} ► Preferences' or 'Dashboard ► Users ► {user}

          ► Preferences'.

        • That the header of each of these pages has the student's picture (if set), and name. The header is located above the navigation breadcrumb.
      7. Enable event monitoring [Site administration  ► Reports  ► Event monitoring rules].
      8. Add a new rule.
      9. Click "My preferences" in the user menu.
      10. You should now see a category called Misc and a link to 'Event monitoring'. Click that link.
      11. Notice a rule that you can subscribe to. If not then use the select box to 'Select a course' and find the rule that way.
      12. Go to a course, click on 'Participants' in the navigation menu, and click on a student name.
      13. Under 'Administration' click on 'User [username] preferences'.
      14. Notice that there is no link for the administrator to change the student's event monitor subscriptions.

            ryanwyllie Ryan Wyllie
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