Functional Test
Moodle 3.4
Test prerequisites: This test needs an empty course with a teacher and student enrolled.
- As the teacher, ensure the course has an end date and activity completion is set
- Add assignments as below, completing the "Remind me to grade by" fields. Each assignment should be due at one time, with grading due later on in the same day.
- - due some time last week;
- - due yesterday;
- - due today;
- - due tomorrow
- - due in a week.
- As the teacher, view your dashboard and confirm no assignments are visible
- As the student, view your dashboard and confirm all assignments are visible.
- Submit something to each of the assignments
- View dashboard again and confirm no assignments are visible
- Login as the teacher, view your dashboard and confirm all assignments are shown as awaiting grading with 1 item
- Grade each assignment
- View dashboard and confirm no assignments are visible.