Functional Test
NOTE: This test requires admin access. If you would like to use the QA testing site for running the test, please see the QA testing guide for details of how to request admin access. Begin just after the hourly reset to give yourself plenty of time to complete the test!
If not testing on QA: LTI Advantage requires your site to be reachable from the internet. If not, Install ngrok to expose your moodle setup externally. Refer here for additional guidelines
Create LTI tool
- As admin got to Site administration > Plugins > Activity modules > External tool > Manage tools
- Enter https://saltire.lti.app/tool in the Tool URL input and click "Add LTI Advantage"
- When Saltire loads in the frame, click the "Sign in" link there and continue to sign in using Google SSO.
- Leave the "Allow anyone to use this registration" option unchecked
- Click continue
- When you see the registration is successful, you can click "Close"
- Click "Activate" to activate the tool
- Click on its edit button
- Change the Tool configuration usage dropdown to "Show in activity chooser and as a preconfigured tool"
- Under "Privacy" make sure "Accept grades from the tool" is set to "As specified in Deep Linking definition or delegate to teacher"
- Click "Save changes"
Create an instance of the tool in a course
- Still as the admin, go to a course
- Click to add an activity or resource
- Select "Saltire" from the activity chooser
- Click the select content button to launch into the Deep linking picker
- Click "Sample content" in the header. You'll see a page with a single item checked.
- Uncheck the checked item. I.e. uncheck "LTI launch - a link to launch this tool"
- Check the item "LTI launch 2 - a link to launch this tool with an associated gradebook column"
- Scroll to the bottom of that view and click "Return selection"
- Back on the activity add/edit form, confirm that the grade section of the form shows "Point" and that max grade is set to 50.
- Click "Save and return to course"
Launch as a student and confirm grade passback is working
- Log in as a student and launch the tool instance in the course
- Once it loads, select "Service > OAuth 2 Access token" from the tool header
- Select all scopes and click "Request new token"
- Ignore any message which says "The platform did not offer the following requested scopes".
- If asked to view the service request, just click "No".
- Now, again in the header, select "Service > Assignment and grade"
- Expand "Score publish service"
- Set points to 0.7 (meaning 70%)
- Click "Create/Update"
- When asked to view the service request, click "Yes"
- Confirm that you see scoreGiven is something like 0.7 (might be 0.6999999 or something very close)
- Close that modal.
- Now, go back to the Moodle course and go to Grades
- Verify you see the grade 70% for that activity and that it's reporting a score of 35/50 (=70%) too