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  1. Moodle QA
  2. MDLQA-11698 Moodle 3.5 QA testing
  3. MDLQA-11847

CLONE - Blogs, database activities, forums and glossaries can produce RSS feeds


      This test requires RSS feeds to be enabled for the site (in 'Advanced features' in the Site administration) and for database activities, forums and glossaries (in the settings for each activity module via 'Manage activities' in the Site administration) also in individual activity settings, with 'Number of RSS recent articles' set to a value greater than zero.

      1. Log in as a student and browse to the student's own blog.
      2. Check that a RSS icon is displayed in the blog content area and that it links to the RSS feed for the blog.

      3. Go to another user's profile and view their blog.
      4. Check that a RSS icon is displayed in the blog content area and that it links to the RSS feed for the blog.

      5. Browse to a database activity and check that a RSS feed link is displayed, either in the gear menu or the Administration block (depending upon the theme), and that it links to the RSS feed for the activity.
      6. Browse to a forum and check that a RSS feed of posts link is displayed, either in the gear menu or the Administration block (depending upon the theme), and that it links to the RSS feed for the activity.
      7. Browse to a glossary containing at least one entry and check that a RSS feed link is displayed, either in the gear menu or the Administration block (depending upon the theme), and that it links to the RSS feed for the activity.

      8. Log out then log in as a guest.

      • Guest should have access to the activity RSS feeds. If not check that the course allows guest access.
      • Guest should NOT have access to user blogs. If guest is able to access user blogs check the system setting "forceloginforprofiles" is set to the default (yes).

      9. Visit https://qa.moodle.net/rss/file.php/a_made_up_url and ensure 404 http response is returned.

            sbourget Stephen Bourget
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