Functional Test
Moodle 3.5
- Login as an manager
- Create a competency framework if you don't have any
- Go to Site administration > Competencies > Competency frameworks
- Add some competencies to it
- Go to a user profile (no admin no manager) and click on 'Learning plans', in 'Miscellaneous' box.
- Press "Add a new learning plan", set a name and 'Status' to 'Active'
- Once saved you are redirected to the learning plan's page, press "Add competency" and add a couple of competencies
- Log in as the user, go to your profile and follow 'Learning plans' link and 'Evidence of prior learning' on the next page
- Press 'Add new evidence' and fill the form, save changes
- You will be redirected to the evidence page where you will find a 'Link competencies' button, press it and you will see the list of competencies you previously added to the user's learning plan, link the evidence to one of the competencies
- Check that the competency you just added appears in 'Linked competencies' column, add another one and check that it is appended to the previous one.
- Return to 'Evidence of prior learning' page
- Now use the 'Actions' dropdown menu to 'Send competencies for review', you will be asked for confirmation, '(Waiting for review)' should appear in 'Linked competencies' column