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  1. Moodle QA
  2. MDLQA-11698 Moodle 3.5 QA testing
  3. MDLQA-12188

CLONE - Users can link evidences of prior learning to competencies


      1. Login as an manager
      2. Create a competency framework if you don't have any
        1. Go to Site administration > Competencies > Competency frameworks
        2. Add some competencies to it
      3. Go to a user profile (no admin no manager) and click on 'Learning plans', in 'Miscellaneous' box.
      4. Press "Add a new learning plan", set a name and 'Status' to 'Active'
      5. Once saved you are redirected to the learning plan's page, press "Add competency" and add a couple of competencies
      6. Log in as the user, go to your profile and follow 'Learning plans' link and 'Evidence of prior learning' on the next page
      7. Press 'Add new evidence' and fill the form, save changes
      8. You will be redirected to the evidence page where you will find a 'Link competencies' button, press it and you will see the list of competencies you previously added to the user's learning plan, link the evidence to one of the competencies
      9. Check that the competency you just added appears in 'Linked competencies' column, add another one and check that it is appended to the previous one.
      10. Return to 'Evidence of prior learning' page
      11. Now use the 'Actions' dropdown menu to 'Send competencies for review', you will be asked for confirmation, '(Waiting for review)' should appear in 'Linked competencies' column

            lameze Simey Lameze
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