Functional Test
Moodle 3.5
- Login as administrator.
- Follow Site administration ► Security ► HTTP security and enable 'Allow frame embedding'.
- Follow Site administration ► Plugins ► Authentication ► Manage authentication' and enable 'LTI' authentication.
- Follow Site administration ► Plugins ► Enrolments ► Manage enrol plugins and enable 'Publish as LTI tool'.
- Log out and log in as teacher.
- Visit a course with at least 1 activity (assignment) and 1 resource (file).
- Follow Course administration ► Users ► Enrolment methods.
- Add a Publish as LTI tool with 'Tool to be published' selected to course.
- Add a Publish as LTI tool with 'Tool to be published' selected to assignment
- Add a Publish as LTI tool with 'Tool to be published' selected to file.
- Follow Course administration ► Publish as LTI tool.
- Make sure you see 3 URLs and secrets.
- Click Edit icon and ensure you can edit the Publish as LTI tool enrolment.
- Click Delete icon and ensure you can delete the Publish as LTI tool enrolment.
- Click Disable icon and ensure it changes to Enable icon. (Optional) You can test the url in LTI consumer and make sure activity is not accessible and you get message 'The LTI enrolment plugin is disabled.'