Functional Test
Moodle 3.5
- Download and install ngrok and run it with ngrok http 80 or have a public accessible site.
- As admin: (Test in all browsers, except the last two steps)
- Go to "Site administration > Plugins > Activity modules > LTI > Manage tools"
- Add a tool using only the launch url (old interface) by clicking on 'configure a tool manually.'
- Add a tool using an xml cartridge (e.g. from eduappcenter.com - you need to visit this site to get the URL you need, eg. https://www.edu-apps.org/lti_public_resources/config.xml?id=youtube)
- Add a tool using the configuration url (LTI2)
- Remove a tool using the x button on the card
- Enter a url that does not exist, make sure you see a browser-specific error (something along the lines of a domain not found or a 404 if it's just an invalid resource on a valid domain) within the tool iframe.
- Enter a url to an xml file that is not a cartridge, make sure you get an error ( http://www.w3schools.com/xml/note.xml )
- Edit a tool that was made via a cartridge url using the cog button on the card
- Edit a tool that was made via the configuration url using the cog button on the card
- As a teacher (Test the first 3 steps in all browsers).
- Add an external tool to a course
- Set the Tool URL to a cartridge (e.g. from eduappcenter.com)
- Ensure you get the green tick and it says a cartridge will be used
- Click 'save and return to course'
- Edit the external tool settings and check that the external tool is now set up using the settings from the cartridge. Check that the url and icon and description are set to the ones in the cartridge XML you chose (if the cartridge doesn't name, description or icon it will just skip it)
- Add a manual configuration
- Go to "Site administration > Plugins > Activity modules > LTI > Manage tools"
- Delete http://lti.tools/test/tp.php if you've added it already.
- Use "configure a tool manually"
- Add http://lti.tools/test/tp.php
- Set the consumer key to 12345
- Set the secret to "secret"
- Click save
- Add another external tool to a course
- Set the Tool URL to the url to http://lti.tools/test/tp.php (don't select preconfigured tool from the drop down)
- Ensure you get a green tick
- Save changes
- Ensure the tool works
- Go back to "Site administration > Plugins > Activity modules > LTI > Manage tools"
- Edit the tool you created
- Change the secret to something else e.g. "asdf"
- Go back to the external tool you created in the course
- Ensure that the tool gives an error
- Add another external tool to a course
- Set a url to any site you didn't add as an admin. Ensure you get a yellow warning saying that no configuration was found.
- Save changes
- Add another external tool to a course
- On the settings page, click the plus to add a tool type.
- In the popup, put a cartridge url into the "tool url" text box
- Press save changes on that popup
- Press save and display
- Make sure the tool works, and correct tool is displayed