Functional Test
Moodle 3.5
- Log in as a teacher, go to a course and add a Choice activity, enabling 'Allow responses from' and 'Allow responses until' and setting dates in the past.
- Log in as a student enrolled in the course, go to the Dashboard and verify that the Choice is NOT shown on the Dashboard.
- Log in as the teacher, edit the Choice settings and set 'Allow responses from' and 'Allow responses until' to dates in the future.
- Log in as a student, go to the Dashboard and verify that the Choice is now shown, but the link to complete is not active.
- Log in as the teacher, edit the Choice settings, and set 'Allow responses from' to a date in the past.
- Log in as a student, go to the Dashboard and verify that the Choice is shown with a link to complete the activity.
- Click the link and answer the Choice.
- Return to the Dashboard and verify that the Choice is no longer shown.