Functional Test
Moodle 3.5
Test requirements:
- A site with a Data Protection Officer (DPO) role set up as described in the documentation Data Protection Officer role. A user should be assigned the role of DPO in the system context.
- The 'Contact Data Protection Office' checkbox to be ticked in 'Privacy settings' in the Site administration.
You may use the QA testing site for this test, which has a DPO role already set up and a user assigned the role. The site also has the 'Contact Data Protection Office' checkbox ticked.
- Log in as an ordinary user and go to your profile page.
- Verify that it contains a Privacy section.
- Click the 'Contact Data Protection Officer' link.
- Click the Send button without entering a message and verify that the message is a required field.
- Enter a message then click Send.
- Log in as the DPO and verify that you have a data request general inquiry notification.
- Click the link to view the full notification and verify that the message is correct.
- Click the 'Data requests' link and verify that the message is listed.
- In the Actions menu, click to view the request.
- Verify that message is displayed in a modal window together with the user's name, email address, message date and status.
- Testing discovered
MDL-62373 Confusing contact DPO modal window
- Closed