Functional Test
Moodle 3.6
- Login as a teacher
- Update SCORM activity and set 'Display course structure in player' (an advanced setting) to Hidden.
- Check that the SCORM table of contents is no longer displayed on the SCORM outline page.
- Update the SCORM activity and set 'Display course structure in player' to 'In a dropdown menu'.
- Check that the SCORM table of contents is displayed in a dropdown menu.
- Update the SCORM activity and set 'Display course structure in player' to 'To the side'.
- Update the SCORM activity and set 'Show navigation' to No.
- Check that the navigation buttons are no longer displayed.
- Update course and set Format to "Single activity format" and "Type of activity" to SCORM activity
- Update SCORM activity and set "Display package" to "Current window"
- As student access SCORM activity and press the "exit activity" link in the top right.
- You should return to the correct section on the course homepage.