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  1. Moodle QA
  2. MDLQA-12282 Moodle 3.6 QA
  3. MDLQA-12465

CLONE - When time and a date are set, the student will be allowed extra time to submit when time expires during an attempt.


    • Icon: Functional Test Functional Test
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • Moodle 3.6
    • Moodle 3.6
    • Quiz, Student, Teacher
    • None

      Test Pre-requisites:
      As teacher, create a quiz and set a time limit, a close date and set When time expires to "There is a grace period when open attempts can be submitted, but no more questions answered". Set Submission grace period to a suitable amount of time to let you do the tests below.
      Test Steps:
      1. As student, start a quiz attempt and answer some questions. Then leave the browser tab open until time expires.
      2. You will be automatically redirected to the review page, and the quiz will move into the overdue state. There will be a message telling you the deadline before which you must submit.
      3. Log in as teacher and check that the attempt State is "overdue".
      4. Click the "Submit all and finish" button, and your attempt will be submitted and counted.
      5.- As teacher, check that the attempt state is now "Finished"

            stephen.grono Stephen Grono
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