Functional Test
- Ensure your local site is publicly accessible (You can use ngrok for this purpose).
- Set up a functioning SMTP server for Moodle's outgoing mail (You can utilize mailpit or mailcatcher for email testing).
- You'll need to add $CFG->sslproxy = 1; to your config.php in order to use it with ngrok.
- You also need to set pathtophp setting to your php binary in order to "Run now" the 'Site registration' scheduled task
- Install a new site and provide admin user and front page information.
- Verify that after installation, you are automatically redirected to the registration page with the message 'Complete your registration' displayed.
- Complete the form, including subscribing to the Notifications/News and Moodle Newsletter lists by ticking the relevant boxes and entering in an email.
- Verify that the confirmation page is displayed.
- Verify that you have received emails saying that you have been added to the security and communications mailing lists.
- Go to Registration in the Site administration.
- Verify that there is a message saying that your site is registered and that all information entered in step 1 is filled in correctly.
- Try updating your registration and verify that it was successful.
- Go to Scheduled tasks in the Site administration, find the 'Site registration' scheduled task and click the 'Run now' link (alternatively, configure the task to run ASAP).
- Verify that the task completes without any errors.
- Using the Moodle.com contact form, complete details about your registration with your site URL ( and this issue number and ask them to check that your site is indeed registered, with emails added to the security and communications mailing lists.
- Go to Registration in the Site administration and click the Unregister button at the bottom of the page.
- Use theĀ Moodle.com contact form again and ask them to check that your site is no longer registered.