Functional Test
Moodle 3.6
- Log in as teacher
- Add a lesson activity.
- Click Import questions.
- Set File format to "Moodle XML format".
- Click 'Choose a file' and verify that File picker is displayed.
- Select 'Upload a file', choose a file MDLQA-QUESTIONS.moodlexml.xml to upload and upload it.
- Click import and verify that the file has been imported. (1 question won't be uploaded, as it is not yet supported by lesson.)
- Add a new lesson activity.
- Click Import questions.
- Set File format to "Gift format".
- Drag and drop MDLQA-QUESTIONS.gift.txt file onto the file manager, which currently contains the text 'You can drag and drop files here to add them.'
- Click import and verify that the file has been imported. (1 question won't be uploaded, as it is not yet supported by lesson.)
- Repeat above steps and import all attached formats.