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  1. Moodle QA
  2. MDLQA-12282 Moodle 3.6 QA
  3. MDLQA-12579

CLONE - A teacher can backup, restore and duplicate a book


    • Icon: Functional Test Functional Test
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • Moodle 3.6
    • Moodle 3.6
    • Backup, Book, Teacher
    • None

      1. Log in as teacher and access a course.
      2. Turn editing on.
      3. Follow the restore link either via the gear menu or the Administration block, depending upon your theme.
      4. Restore the backup http://tracker.moodle.org/secure/attachment/28268/test_book_for_qa_20120522.mbz
      5. Verify that the restored book has title "Test Book for QA" and has 4 chapters (1, 2, 3 & 4) and 2 subchapters (3A & 3B).
      6. Backup the course using the default settings.
      7. From the "User private backup area" click "Restore".
      8. Select "Restore into this course", merging contents. Use default settings.
      9. Verify that the message "The course was restored successfully..." is shown with "Continue" button.
      10. Click on the "Continue button".
      11. Verify that there are now two books on the course page with title "Test Book for QA". Compare them and check that the chapters and contents are the same.
      12. On the course page in the edit menu opposite the book, click Duplicate.
      13. Verify that there are now three books on the course page, all identical.

            jasmink Jasmin Klindzic
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