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  1. Moodle QA
  2. MDLQA-12282 Moodle 3.6 QA
  3. MDLQA-12649

CLONE - A teacher can bulk change the marking workflow states


      This test requires a course with a teacher and three students enrolled.

      1.Log in as a teacher and create an assignment. In 'Grade' set Use marking workflow to 'Yes', but don't enable marking allocation. Save and display.
      2. Click 'View all submissions' to access the grading screen. Make sure quick grading is not enabled in Options.
      3. Select all users and from the 'With selected' dropdown, choose 'Set marking worfklow state' and hit Go.
      4. On the next screen, change Marking workflow state to 'In marking' and save the changes.
      5. Verify that the grading screen now shows the status as 'In marking' (Not a problem that nobody has submitted!)
      6. Select two students out of the three and from the 'With selected' dropdown, choose 'Set marking workflow state' and hit Go.
      7. On the next screen, change Marking workflow state to 'Marking completed' and save the changes.
      8. Verify that the grading screen now shows two students with 'Marking completed' and one with 'In marking'.
      9. Check Quick grading in the Options and verify you now see dropdown boxes in the Status column.
      10. For the third student, change the dropdown box to 'In review' and hit 'Save all quick grading changes'.
      11. Verify the third student now shows 'In review'.
      12. Uncheck Quick grading and verify the marking workflow states in the Status column have not changed.

        1. 1.PNG
          183 kB
          Janelle Barcega
        2. 2.PNG
          153 kB
          Janelle Barcega

            jbarcega Janelle Barcega
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