Functional Test
Moodle 3.6
This test requires a course with at least three students enrolled in it.
- Log in as a student, go to the course and click on the Participants link in the navigation drawer / menu.
- Click on the name of a course participant.
- On the participant's course profile page, click on the Message link (or button, depending on the theme).
- Verify that you are on the Messages page, with your details at the top of the page (picture if set, and name) and the navigation underneath the header reads Dashboard > Messages. Verify that the messaging drawer is open on the right.
- Write a message to the participant and send it.
- Verify that the message you sent is shown together with the date and time.
- Repeat the above steps and send a message to at least two other course participants.
- Enter some text used previously in a message in the search box (at the top of the messaging drawer).
- Verify that the search results correctly list all messages containing the text.
- Enter the name of a participant in the search box.
- Verify that the search results correctly list all users with the name entered.
- Click on a user and verify that any messages sent previously are displayed.