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  1. Moodle QA
  2. MDLQA-12282 Moodle 3.6 QA
  3. MDLQA-12740

CLONE - Mobile service is enabled by default on secure server


      NOTE: You need a moodle site with https

      1. Install clean moodle site under domian using https
      2. Check that during the installation you don’t see any warnings
      3. Once the site is installed, you need to check that:
        • The setting enablemobilewebservice is enabled in Site administration ▶︎ Mobile app ▶︎ Mobile settings
        • The Moodle mobile web service is enabled in Site administration ▶︎ Plugins ▶︎ Web services ▶︎ External services
        • Rest protocol is enabled in Site administration ▶︎ Plugins ▶︎ Web services ▶︎ Manage protocols
        • For the authenticated user, the capabilities: webservice/rest:use and moodle/webservice:createmobiletoken are enabled at system level
      4. Disable the Mobile service (enablemobilewebservice) in Site administration ▶︎ Mobile app ▶︎ Mobile settings
      5. Bump moodle version (version.php) number to simulate an upgrade and go to Admin ▶︎ Notifications to do the upgrade
      6. Confirm that the setting enablemobilewebservice is still disabled
      7. Now, do another clean installation under https but this time using the CLI:

        sudo -u www-data php admin/cli/install.php --lang=en --wwwroot=https://localhost/m/stable_master --dataroot=/Users/xyz/wwwdata/moodledatatest1 --dbtype="postgres" --dbhost="localhost" --dbuser="dbuser1" --dbname=test1 --dbpass=xyz --fullname=t --shortname=t --adminpass="yourPass!" --adminemail=“yourmail@moodle.com" --non-interactive --allow-unstable --agree-license

      8. Confirm steps 3, 4, 5, and 6 (doing the upgrade using the cli)

        1. authusercapabilities_cli.png
          147 kB
          Adrian Perez
        2. authusercapabilities.png
          77 kB
          Adrian Perez
        3. before_install.png
          108 kB
          Adrian Perez
        4. enablemobilewebservice_afterupgrade_cli.png
          95 kB
          Adrian Perez
        5. enablemobilewebservice_afterupgrade.png
          66 kB
          Adrian Perez
        6. enablemobilewebservice_cli.png
          78 kB
          Adrian Perez
        7. enablemobilewebservice.png
          79 kB
          Adrian Perez
        8. mobilewebservice_cli.png
          66 kB
          Adrian Perez
        9. mobilewebservice.png
          68 kB
          Adrian Perez
        10. restprotocol_cli.png
          76 kB
          Adrian Perez
        11. restprotocol.png
          79 kB
          Adrian Perez
        12. upgrademoodle_cli.png
          27 kB
          Adrian Perez
        13. upgrademoodle.png
          77 kB
          Adrian Perez

            pead Adrian Perez
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