Functional Test
Moodle 3.6
- Login as administrator
- Navigate to Site administration -> Appearance -> User Tours
- Click on Tour repository
- Download one of the tours
- Navigate to Site administration -> Appearance -> User Tours
- Click on Import tour and upload the downloaded tour
- Add 'Ensure that the newly imported tour works as expected.'
- Click on the tour Export tour icon for the tour you just imported or some existing tour.
- Confirm that the tour was exported without error
- Pass the file through a JSON linter (e.g. http://jsonlint.com/)
- Import the tour back again
- Confirm that there are now two tours
- Compare the tours - there should be no differences. key points to check:
- Tour defaults are correct
- Tour filters are correct
- Step settings are correct
- Delete the original tour
- Ensure that the remaining (imported) user tour works as expected.