Functional Test
Moodle 3.7
This test requires
- a question category X containing 4 or more questions,
- a category Y containing 2 or more questions, and
- during the test you will create a third category called Z.
- Log in as a teacher and add a quiz activity.
- Go to the "Edit quiz" page.
- Click "Add>from question bank"
- Select Category X in the "Select a category:" drop down Click the button "Add selected questions to the quiz" to add one question to the quiz (non-randomly).
- Now click "Add>a random question" and from the section "Random question from an existing category" select category X and add 2 random questions to the quiz.
- Add one random question from category Y.
- Click "Add> a random question" and the "Random question using a new category" section to create a new Category Z with parent "Top".
- Click the link "See questions" to navigate to the Z category and verify the category is empty. Create a new question in category Z.
- Click the "See questions" link for one of the other random questions, and check that the question bank display switches to that other category.
- Preview the quiz a few times. Check that
- the non-random question is always the same;
- the random questions for Category X are random, but do not duplicate the non-random question;
- the random question for Category Y is random; and
- the random question from the category Z is always the same. (We are testing that having only just enough questions in the category does not cause an error.)