Functional Test
Moodle 3.7
Please run this test using as many up-to-date web browsers as possible and mention in a comment which ones you've used.
- Log in as a teacher, go to a course in topics course format, turn editing on and verify that you can see an 'Add an activity or resource' link in all course sections.
- Verify that when clicked a popup window appears displaying a list of activities and resources.
- Verify that you can navigate up and down the list using the keyboard.
- Verify that you can close the popup by clicking the x, cancel or pressing escape.
- Verify that you can select each activity and resource and view its associated help text.
- Verify that there is a 'More help' link at the end of the help text and that it opens Moodle Docs in a new window.
- Verify that when 'Add' button is clicked that you are taken to the adding a new activity page.
- Verify that you can also double click an activity to be taken to the adding a new activity page.
- Repeat steps 1 to 8 with the course in weekly course format.