Functional Test
Moodle 2.2
For this test, while not necessary, it is helpful to have two browsers (ie Firefox and IE) or two computers so you can use Moodle as two separate users. One teacher and one student.
Required: a course containing 4 grade items. 3 of which should contain marks for your test student. The fourth should contain no grade. Using overridden grades is ok for this test. You may want to override the student's grades with grades that make manual verification of aggregated grades easy. Three grade items with grades of 1, 5 and 10 for example.
1. As a teacher create a student with four grade items with grades 1, 5, 10 and with one grade item with no grade. All grade items should have a maximum grade of 10.
2. Go the the Categories and items full view page within the grade book. Click the edit icon next to the course name in the Actions column.
3. Check that "Aggregate only non-empty grades" is ticked. Click save changes.
4. Check that the aggregation method for the course is set to "mean of grades".
5. As the student view the user report. Verify that the four grade items are displayed within the course and that the course total is 5.333.
6. As the teacher set the course aggregation method to "weighted mean of grades." Set the weights to be 2 (for grade of 1), 1 (for grade of 5) and 1 (for grade of 10).
7. As the student reload the user report and verify that the course total is 4.25
8. Repeat with aggregation set to "simple weighted mean". Untick the "extra credit" field next to any grade items if it is ticked. Course total should be 5.333
9. Repeat with the other aggregation methods such as highest grade (10) and sum of grades (16). If the extra credit text box is available make sure it is not ticked. Additional information to assist with calculating aggregate grades can be found at http://moodle.grok.lsu.edu/article.aspx?articleid=7301 if needed. Bear in mind that the ungraded item is ignored so only the 3 graded items are included in the calculations.
10. As the teacher go the the Categories and items full view page within the grade book. Click the edit icon next to the course name in the Actions column.
11. Uncheck "Aggregate only non-empty grades". Click save changes.
12. Repeat the above. This time the ungraded item should be included so there are 4 grades to be aggregated. 0, 1, 5 and 10.
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MDL-30318 Changing between aggregation methods will result in the course total becoming zero with no way of changing it.
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