Functional Test
Moodle 3.7
- As an admin, go to Site administration ► Users ► Accounts ► User profile fields
- Select "Text input" field and set following:
- shortname = qa
- Name = Moodle QA
- Is this field required? = Yes
- Is this field locked? = No
- Press "Save changes"
- Log in as student and ensure you get redirected to "Edit profile" page
- Enter value for "Moodle QA" as "Test" and press "Update profile"
- Logout and login as same student.
- This time you should be redirected to dashboard.
- Logout and Login as admin
- Go to Site administration ► Users ► Accounts ► User profile fields
- Click "Edit" Icon next to "Moodle QA" field and set following:
- Is this field required? = No
- Press "Save changes"
- Log in as another student and ensure you don't get redirected to "Edit profile" page