This test requires a forum containing several discussion threads with varying numbers of replies.
- Log in as a student and go to the forum.
- Try reordering the discussions by clicking on the headings 'Replies', 'Last post' and 'Created' and check that the discussions are listed in the correct order.
- Click on each heading twice and check that the order of the discussions is reversed.
- Star one or two discussions and check that any starred discussions are always listed first.
- Try reordering the discussions and check that they are listed in the correct order with any starred discussions listed first.
- Log out then log in as a teacher and go to the forum.
- Check that the discussions are listed with the one with the most recent last post listed first, and none are starred.
- Star one or two discussions and check that any starred discussions are always listed first.
- Pin one or two discussions and check that any pinned discussions are always listed first, before starred discussions.
- Try reordering the discussions and check that they are listed in the correct order with any pinned discussions listed first, then any starred discussions.
- is a QA test written for
MDL-65071 As a user, I am able to sort the list of discussions.
- Closed