Functional Test
Moodle 2.2
1. Login as a teacher (with the capability moodle/community:add allowed), turn editing on in the course and add a community block.
2. Follow the search link in the community block.
3. Search for a community course, selecting Mooch as the hub and 'courses I can enrol in'. ('courses I can enrol in' choice only appear if the teacher also have the moodle/community:download capability)
4. Check that the search results are the same as when searching http://hub.moodle.org directly.
5. Click a 'Visit site' button.
6. Check that the selected site opens in a new browser window.
7. Click the 'Save a link to this course' button.
8. Return to the course page and check that a link to the selected site is shown in the community block.
- is blocked by
MDL-30395 Search using community finder block: many warning displayed if the course contain a third party plugin
- Closed