Functional Test
Moodle 3.8
- Login as a teacher and go to the question bank in a course.
- Click the 'Create a new question' box and select "Drag and drop onto image".
- Add a title and description and upload a background image, preferably approx 600x400
- From Draggable items / Draggable item one, add a small image no more than 100x150 and add text
- Repeat for Draggable items 2 and 3 so you have three images for your question..
- Click the 'Save changes and continue editing' button.
- In Drop zones 1 2 and 3 select your three images and add text
- Go to the Preview section and move the images to their correct place on the background image
- In Drop zones, check there are now coordinates in the 3 drop zones
- Click the 'Save changes' button.
- Preview the question, checking that everything is displayed correctly, and that your responses are graded correctly with a range of behaviours.